Legal Advice at the Multifunctional Centre of Red Cross

Stakeholder: Hellenic Red Cross
Type of stakeholder: International Organizations

Service last updated on 22-10-2024

General Information

Population Groups
Refugee / immigrant population
  • General population
Days / Hours of service
  • Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Supported languages


Τhe Multifunctional Centre is a social centre that works with a holistic approach to deliver a 360 degree range of services and support to refugees and asylum seekers to help them cope with their current situation through counselling and guidance on their way through procedures and available services.

For recognised refugees and other migrants, the MFC provide services and guidance to support them on their journey to more effectively integrate into Greek society – including obtaining the necessary registration and documentation in order to be eligible for employment and access social services, education and medical care in the Greek society. The approach of the services provided from the MFC aims to build the migrants’ resilience and empower them to reassess their individual needs and make their own choices; in order to regain their own autonomy in everyday living.

The Legal Advising Service on rights and procedures is a legal information service that provides guidance and information on the various stages of the asylum process.

More specifically, the Service provides: information on the procedure before applying for asylum, information on the interview, the procedure and the rights of the applicant during the asylum examination, information and service for the issuance of AMKA, AFM, unemployment cards , public transport cards, information on the family reunification process, information on recognized refugees and the integration process (issuance of travel documents, social benefits, acquisition of Greek citizenship, etc.), referrals to other organizations for legal representation depending on the case, to be served better and depending on their request, information on immigrants who are not covered by the asylum process, information on the rights and obligations of immigrants in Greece (health, social issues, work, issues related to children, etc.).


Participation/referral information

The service is offered through the Multifunctional Centre for Refugees