ACCMR Partners

ACCMR develops synergies with local and international organizations and networks to strengthen integration policies for migrants and refugees in the City of Athens.

Cities Network for Integration (CNI)

The Cities Network for Integration (CNI) is a network of 18 Greek municipalities exchanging and developing good practices for refugee and migrant integration. The CNI launched its operation in 2018, based on a memorandum of understanding between the municipalities of Athens and Thessaloniki, the two largest cities of Greece, and is supported by the IOM Greece and UNHCR Greece on the basis of a trilateral cooperation with the Municipality of Athens.

The platform, run by the NGOs International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Merci Corps, is aimed at refugees and migrants, providing  information in English, Arabic, Urdu, French and Farsi.

ACCMR and IRC have joined forces aiming at improving the dissemination of information towards migrant and refugee population and  ensuring its access to services provided within the municipality of Athens.


The European network of major cities EUROCITIES is a network of local and municipal authorities of major European cities. It offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge and the exchange of ideas, with the main aim of strengthening the role to be played by local governments in matters of governance.

As a member of the EUROCITIES network, Athens participates in the CONNECTION program in which 13 main cities participate (Athens, Antwerp, Warsaw, Gothenburg, Zagreb, Thessaloniki, Madrid, Dortmund, Utrecht, Paris, Sofia, Tampere, Turin) and 8 as observers.

In the period 2017 – 2019, Athens participated in the CITIES GROW initiative, which was coordinated by EUROCITIES with the support of the Migration Policy team, Migration Work-CIC and Migration Policy Institute.

The European Coalition of Cities against Racism - ECCAR

ECCAR is a UNESCO (2004) initiative to create a network of cities interested in sharing experiences in order to improve their policies to combat racism, discrimination and xenophobia. Athens participates in the ECCAR network and exchanges best practices with other European cities, aiming at:

Fighting racism and discrimination at a local level, promoting human rights and respecting diversity,

Raising European public awareness of the values ​​of a society based on solidarity and motivating the promotion of equality and the elimination of racist beliefs and attitudes.