EATA, aiming at upgrading the quality of life of the city’s residents by utilizing all European financial and policy tools and in the context of the development dimension of the Integrated Spatial Investment of the Municipality of Athens, implements Sub-Project 1 “Athens Social Protection Network – Open Social Net ”of the Act “ Social Protection Network of Athens – Open Social Net ”with code OPS (MIS) 5074888 of the OP. “Attica 2014 – 2020”. The project is co-financed by the ESF.
The object of the project is the focus on the unified design of services with the aim of maximum efficiency and emphasis on social inclusion and employment. It concerns the creation of a strong network of solidarity and social protection in which all the competent Directorates, Structures and Legal Entities of the Municipality and third parties will functionally join. It is expected to be at the neighborhood level, the operational arm of operational interconnection, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of social inclusion policies, prevention of social exclusion, development of innovative employment actions as well as immediate intervention to deal with emergencies.
The project includes, inter alia, actions to fill the gap in access to information, prevention and full support to all stakeholders and beneficiaries of social protection services. The main tool of the project will be the design of a model of intervention actions, through which the following are specialized:
Current project actions:
Open Social Net – Right to Quality – Pilot Program for the distribution of solidarity food packages, applications until Friday 19 August 2022 at 17.00.
Those interested can also contact the following persons:
Dimitris Manos – Project Coordinator mail: [email protected]
Katerina Papapanou – Social Services Officer mail: [email protected]