Non-Formal Education Generation 2.0 RED

General Information

Population Groups
Refugee / immigrant population
  • General population
Days / Hours of service
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 10:00-17:00
Supported languages


Generation 2.0 RED, with the REDucation program, maintains a department of specialized educators who use modern practices to teach the Greek language to people of all ages.

At the same time, recognizing the great difficulty in managing the material provided for the naturalization interview, our educators developed a study system which provides appropriate preparation for those wishing to apply for Greek citizenship.

Whether you are a minor and looking for an educational path, or an adult who would like to complete school or go on to study, there is the possibility to realize your wish and your dream through public and formal education and training.

The consultants at Generation 2.0 RED can guide you through individualized sessions depending on your interests and the opportunities provided by the educational structures in Greece.

Participation/referral information

The Generation 2.0 RED services were, are and will always be free for everyone.