Legal Counseling & Cultural Mediation

General Information

Population Groups
Refugee / immigrant population
  • General population
  • LGBTQ+
Days / Hours of service
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 10:00-17:00
Supported languages


With years of experience in intercultural mediation and information on rights, papers, health care and accommodation for immigrants, refugees and young people with migrant origin, Generation 2.0 RED provides Legal Counselling & Intercultural Mediation services daily.

Through its valuable action at the Decentralized Services, Generation 2.0 RED has proved in practice its expertise and knowledge on residence permits, procedures and prerequisites for citizenship acquisition and the naturalization process. This knowledge is provided for free and by appointment in the Organization’s office, through the individual Legal Counselling service.

Knowing the difficulties that third country citizens have to overcome when it comes to access to information, Generation 2.0 RED provides online all the documents and prerequisites for residence permits and Greek citizenship acquisition here.

The Organization also monitors specific cases that need additional support, such as refugees who were imprisoned because of expired documents and LGBTQI+ people seeking international protection. Trained personnel also records racist incidents, which are then forwarded to the Racist Violence Recording Network, where g2red is an official member.

Last but not least, informative events and workshops are organized regarding the procedures, the documents and the ongoing amendments on the relevant legal frameworks.


Participation/referral information

The Generation 2.0 RED services were, are and will always be free for everyone.

You can contact our Legal Counselling department at [email protected]