Time: 11:00 - 17:00
Looking for a job?
The Diversity Career Fair will take place on Thursday 15 February 2024 (11.00 – 17.00) at Serafio and we are waiting for you! Companies and organizations will join us, while you will have the opportunity to meet, chat and submit your CV to them, with respect to characteristics such as nationality, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other characteristics that often act as barriers to finding a job.
If you are interested in joining the DiverCity Career Fair as a job seeker, please register in the form below:
For any further information, you can contact Spyros Boviatsis (Project Coordinator) at [email protected].
The DiverCity Career Fair is organized under the PROGEDI project – Promoting Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, which is implemented by the IRC (International Rescue Committee) Hellas, KEAN (Cell of Alternative Youth Activities) and Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality and Diversity. The PROGEDI project aims to strengthen diversity and inclusion in the workplace. PROGEDI is co-funded by the European Union.