Support, information and advisory to refugees and migrants

General Information

Population Groups
Refugee / immigrant population
  • General population
  • Unaccompanied minors
  • Single-parent families
  • Survivors of gender-based violence
  • Survivors of human trafficking
  • Survivors of torture
  • Disabled people
  • People suffering from serious pathological or mental illnesses
Days / Hours of service
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 09:30-20:00
  • Friday @ 09:30-17:00
Supported languages


We provide support, information and counseling services to refugees and migrants, aiming to enhance their employment and social integration and integration.

Through the services provided:

  • We facilitate access and communication with public and social services (such as the health and education system) as well as participation in other educational programs and seminars in the context of active social participation.
  • We contribute to the information on the legal and institutional framework and the labor and individual rights of refugees and immigrants.
  • We increase the chances of their job integration through the identification and development of individual skills, empowerment and vocational guidance.

The services provided are individualized for each beneficiary as the choice and the way of their implementation is determined by conducting interviews to assess their needs and outline their personal characteristics and particularities.

Participation/referral information

Access to the service only by appointment! For an appointment, contact us by phone at 210 5231966 or by mail at [email protected] with the subject line “ACCMR Services”.

We accept referrals from other bodies by filling out the referral form and sending it to [email protected] with the subject line “ACCMR Services”.