Social School Tutoring by the City of Athens - Directorate of Childhood, Education and Lifelong Learning

General Information

Population Groups
Refugee / immigrant population
  • General population
  • Children
Days / Hours of service
  • Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Supported languages


Given the difficulties faced by families in the cost of preparing students for entrance exams and on the basis of the right to equal opportunities in knowledge and education, the Municipality of Athens created the Social Tutoring Center, which was soon established as one of the most important structures of social support.

With the valuable contribution of volunteer teachers, the Social Tutoring Center of the Municipality of Athens provides additional didactic support to students from financially weak families living in the Municipality of Athens, as well as to needy secondary school graduates.

In the context of its operation, students of all grades of Gymnasium and Lyceum are supported, with special emphasis on the preparation of candidates for the Panhellenic Examinations.

The Social Tutoring Center has been institutionalized in the organization of the Municipality of Athens and operates in accordance with the operating regulations approved by the Municipal Council.

Within the framework of the Social Tutoring and the school year 2021-2022, the Municipality of Athens provides free courses in a small number of students to needy or financially weak families, as well as to needy secondary school graduates.

Most of the courses are conducted by experienced teachers, in the facilities of the newly built building of the 41st High School of Athens, at 11-13 Patmou Street (with easy access both from the ISAP station of Agios Nikolaos and from the fixed orbit of Patision Street), from Monday to Friday, daily from 16.00 to 21.00.

Participation/referral information

For your registration you can visit the school premises at the Secretariat of the Social Tutoring (1st floor) from Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 21:00.

Alternatively, you can complete and send the application electronically along with the necessary supporting documents to the e-mail address of the Social Tutoring email: [email protected].

Required documents: – Photocopy of ID card or passport of parent-guardian and child – Certificate of attendance from the student’s school or diploma (for graduates) – Certificate of permanent residence Parent / Guardian or DEKO billing receipt- Photocopy of the most recent Inland Revenue Receipt – Additional Supporting Documents for Parents / Guardians (eg question booklet, disability certificate, unemployment card, etc.).

Especially the students of the 3rd Lyceum as well as the graduates who wish to participate in the Panhellenic exams are invited to register as soon as possible.

For any additional clarification you can contact the Department of Lifelong Learning by phone in the morning at 2132082923-4 and in the afternoon (from 15:00 to 21:00) with the Secretariat of the Social Tutoring at 2108624588.