Creative Work and Study - Remedial Teaching for Primary Education Children


The Children’s Creative Employment Center (K.D.A.P.) of Kivotos tou Kosmos is located in the area of ​​Kolonos, on Sarpidonos Street and is aimed at children aged 5-12 who belong to the Municipality of Athens. Children from both the community and children who have an EETAA voucher are included. The purpose of KDAP is the creative employment of children, their learning support and in general the promotion of their skills through the application of modern pedagogical methods to achieve their physical, mental, emotional and social development. The children who are registered in KDAP are employed every day, for a certain period of the day, outside of school hours. More specifically:

  • Utilization of free time
  • Active participation of each child in creative activities (theatre play, art class, experiential group/experiential game, Educational Robotics – STEM, etc.
  • Access to varied and rewarding stimuli
    Preparation for the next day’s lessons & guidance/structuring of reading style
    Cultivating social skills (shaping functional attitudes, relationships and behaviours)
    Acceptance – respect for diversity / breaking down stereotypes
    Promoting the values ​​of volunteering
    Practicing the Greek language and enriching the vocabulary, given that we address children who are characterized by their special linguistic and cultural diversity.

In addition to creative employment, holistic programs of psycho-social support and strengthening of families are provided by the Social Service and the psychologists who make up the scientific team of our organization. Our concern is to support/frame vulnerable families, either financially or socially.