The Center for Combating Gender-Based Violence and Multiple Discrimination provides front-line services to people experiencing gender-based violence, while implementing prevention and awareness-raising actions that are critical to highlighting the issue of gender-based violence in all its forms in order to provide multiple support to victims of gender-based violence and/or those who suffer multiple discriminations.
The role of the Center is twofold:
Following the standards of the Women’s Counseling Centers of the General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality, but expanding the audience of its potential beneficiaries, the Center of the City of Athens provides daily support through:
The services provided concern:
The Center’s activities also include networking and awareness-raising actions with national and local agencies, which aim to disseminate the Center’s services, meet the needs of the people served, promote good practices and develop synergies. It is important to add that the Center for Combating Gender-Based Violence and Multiple Discrimination of the Municipality of Athens operates within the framework of the implementation of the articles of the European Charter for Gender Equality in Local Government, aiming to strengthen gender equality through specific strategic planning , so that the policies and actions of the Municipality of Athens incorporate, as a whole, the perspective of gender (gender mainstreaming).
Both with the advisory services and with the action within the policies of the Municipality, the Center echoes the political will of the Municipality of Athens for zero tolerance to any form of violence, exclusion and discrimination.
The services of the Center are provided free of charge and are covered by the confidentiality of the counseling process.
Service is provided in almost all languages through the “METADRASI” organization.
The City of Athens, in particular the Vice-Mayorship for Equality, Combating Discrimination and Gender-Based Violence and the Center for Combating Gender-Based Violence and Multiple Discrimination, are pleased to announce the provision of free Greek language courses for adult female citizens of the third countries (migrants, asylum seekers, refugees etc.).
The courses are held at the Center located at 2 Lithis Street & 109 Agiou Meletiou Street, Athens 112 51, and are held in vivo, morning, noon and afternoon hours by teachers specialized in teaching modern Greek as a foreign language.
Upon completion of a course, a certificate of successful completion of the corresponding language level
will be issued by the Center. To apply for the courses, or request additional information, please contact 210 8625355 and 210 8625858 or email [email protected].
The courses take place in the framework of the implementation of t the Project “European Charter for promoting gender equality and combating discrimination”, in the priority axis “Promoting Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty and Discrimination – Ensuring Social Cohesion” of the OP Attica 2014-2020 with the reference number (MIS) 5045464.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 210 8625355, 210 8625858