Diagnostic tool & suggestions for gender mainstreaming in organizations

From 2021 to 2023, Women On Top participated in FoWoSe (Fostering Women’s Social Entrepreneurship), a project that aims to strengthen women’s social entrepreneurship by developing and testing tools that will train and guide organizations that foster entrepreneurship, so that they develop more equal practices, first as employers, and then towards the entrepreneurs they support.

Therefore, we have created this guide with training tools and good practices for gender mainstreaming at an organizational and structural level.

The guide includes a self-diagnostic tool, which helps organizations assess their structure internally in terms of their gender mainstreaming level, in their programs and operations. Then, based on the results, up to 10 easily applicable suggestions and practices are provided to strengthen gender equality in the processes followed, and to improve the practices used to promote women’s social entrepreneurship.

This pedagogical tool was based on the expertise of the FoWoSe program partners, and on research conducted on the shortcomings and barriers faced by women in the social entrepreneurship ecosystem.

FοWoSE was funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, and it is implemented by the organization PULSE, with the collaboration of Women on Top (Greece), Empow’Her (France), Reach for Change (Bulgaria) and Synthesis (Cyprus).