Cooking classes at Tastes of Damascus by Zaatar

Γενικές Πληροφορίες

Ομάδες Πληθυσμού
Προσφυγικός / μεταναστευτικός πληθυσμός
  • General population
Κατηγορίες Υπηρεσιών
Ημέρες/Ώρες Εξυπηρέτησης
  • Upon consultation with the beneficiary
Γλώσσες Εξυπηρέτησης


Tastes of Damascus, Zaatar NGO’s last project, is an eco-friendly restaurant serving healthy vegetarian Middle Eastern cuisine and offering training and job opportunities to asylum-seekers and refugees.

So far, Za’atar NGO has trained three groups of ten refugees and asylum-seekers (total of 30 students) in the basic skills required to work in the restaurant industry in Greece. The Restaurant Training Course takes place at our day-center organization, the Orange House, and are taught in Greek, which greatly improves their chances of getting a job in after graduating from the training. The Restaurant Training Course is taught by a woman from Syria, who also is the full-time manager at Tastes of Damascus. Our students receive basic training in making all the most common dishes in both Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine.

After completing the Restaurant Training Course, students are given the opportunity to apply to work at Tastes of Damascus, with our lawyer helping to complete the paperwork that is required to hire them. Employees receive a standard salary while being trained to improve their cooking skills and their knowledge of the Greek language. The goal is that after few months, employees/students will be able to go work in another restaurant and maintain their job, allowing us to welcome more students to be trained.

We have currently hired two asylum-seekers who are from Syria, and we are continuing to conduct more interviews in order to hire more trainees in the near future.