Holistic support for social inclusion and empowerment for women

Φορέας: Melissa: Network of Migrant Women in Greece
Type of stakeholder: Non Governmental Organizations

Feron 18, Athens, Greece

6th Municipal Community (North-central neighbourhoods - Patisia, Kipseli)

Τελευταία Ανανέωση Υπηρεσίας 20-02-2023

Γενικές Πληροφορίες

Ομάδες Πληθυσμού
Προσφυγικός / μεταναστευτικός πληθυσμός
  • Women & Girls
  • Children
Ημέρες/Ώρες Εξυπηρέτησης
  • Δευτέρα έως Παρασκευή: 09:00 - 18:00
Γλώσσες Εξυπηρέτησης


We focus on seven strands of activities to fulfill community-building goals for integration:

1. Literacy support: Greek and English classes at different levels, French, German, Spanish classes, as well as homework support classes (mother tongue classes and transition-from-illiteracy classes are currently being developed)

2. Psycho-social support: Group sessions, individual counseling, psycho-drama, art therapy, narrative exposure treatment, music movement therapies

3. Information: Information sessions and training on legal rights and counseling, reproductive health, gender-based violence, social rights, labor rights, and many others.

4. Advocacy support: Advocacy workshops, media use workshops, interview training, public speaking and social media use, as well as workshops on creative writing and personal narratives.

5. Art & creativity: Visual arts, film and digital story-telling, photography, poetry, music, crafts and community art workshops frequently.

6. Skills & capacity building: Vocational training, cooperative training, leadership training, IT and coding training, CV-writing workshops, cooking, crafts, sewing & knitting.

7. Self/community-care: Kinetic and healing activities such as workshops on stress management, Feldenkrais methodology, breathing & meditation techniques, yoga and dance, gyro-kinetics, self-defence classes.

Τρόπος Παραπομπής/Συμμετοχής

The services concern at women refugees and migrants of all ages and το their children. Only registered members of the organization have access to services. Application for membership registration opens every day from 9:00 to 18:00. Priority order is maintained.


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