Multaka Athens: Tour of the Ancient Agora on the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Multaka – Intercultural Tours in Athens program invites you, on Saturday November 26 at 11 am, to an intercultural tour of the Ancient Agora, which will focus on the position of women in ancient Athens.

The Ancient Agora of Athens, where the Panathenaic procession took place in which young Athenians had one of the few opportunities to participate in the social life of the city, is a place of particular importance, which will give rise to a creative discussion about the place and the action of women then and today.

The Intercultural Guides of the Multaka program, who have a refugee and migrant background, will attempt to create bridges of connection between the past and the present through interesting information as well as through stories and experiences from their countries of origin.

The tour will last approximately one hour and is free.


  • Saturday, November 26, 2022 at 11:00, Ancient Agora (24 Adrianou).
  • The tour will be in Greek.
  • To book a place & more information: [email protected].

We are waiting for you!

A few words about the Multaka Program

The Multaka – Intercultural Tours in Athens program aims to strengthen intercultural dialogue and peaceful coexistence of communities in the city.

A group of cross-cultural guides with refugee and migrant backgrounds, trained through the Ministry of Culture and Sports, share stories and experiences from their countries of origin and bring to the surface elements that unite Greek and other cultures and traditions, on the occasion of the museum exhibits and the artifacts of the archaeological sites.

The Multaka – Intercultural Tours in Athens program is implemented by the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency S.A and was designed by the Ministry of Migration & Asylum, the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Municipality of Athens. The project is funded by the National Program 2014-2020 of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

More information about the program: