Homework and Creative activities Center of Athens - HCAC

Type of stakeholder: Non Governmental Organizations

Τενέδου 21Β, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα

5th Municipal Community (NW neighbourhoods up to Prompona), 6th Municipal Community (North-central neighbourhoods - Patisia, Kipseli)

Τελευταία Ανανέωση Υπηρεσίας 12-09-2023

Γενικές Πληροφορίες

Ομάδες Πληθυσμού
Προσφυγικός / μεταναστευτικός πληθυσμός
  • Children
  • Unaccompanied minors
Επαγγελματίες / εθελοντές
Ημέρες/Ώρες Εξυπηρέτησης
  • Δευτέρα έως Παρασκευή: 09:00 - 19:00
Γλώσσες Εξυπηρέτησης
Συνεργαζόμενοι φορείς

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)



In the beginning of October 2021, ARSIS NGO launched the Homework and Creative Activities (HCAC) for migrant and refugee children, 4-17 years old.

The Centers operate under the program All Children in Education (ACE), with the support and funding of UNICEF, in the framework of a 3-year memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Migration and Asylum (MoMA), as well as with the support of the Ministry of Education and the European Commission.

The aim of the program is to support school readiness, to facilitate access to education for all children while ensuring a successful transition and integration into school.

The inclusion of all the above children in Formal and Non-Formal education is achieved through action that develops in three main axes:

Classes for school preparation

School enrollment

School support / Remedial teaching

The HCAC’s teams consist of social scientists (social workers, psychologists), who are responsible for implementing psychosocial support programs always in close collaboration with the educators / teachers and always accompanied by Cultural mediators. These experts, enhance the teacher’s work, by organizing individual and group meetings with children and parents, counseling, on issues related to learning difficulties, behavioral difficulties, prevention of child abuse and neglect, etc.

In addition, the Centers’ teams seek to raise community awareness of fundamental rights issues, particularly children’s rights and education through community engagement education projects. In collaboration with the head of education of each group, they organize joint actions within the local and school community for the integration of children.

The Street work teams general role and scope is to approach and locate homeless children and children on the move with the aim of integrating them into the educational program, part of which is the Mobile School. At the same time, children with signs of child abuse or neglect are identified, so that we can assess their needs and support a referral pathway to specialized services of Child Protection.

At our Center we offer:

  • After – school homework support
  • Greek & English language classes for children aged 4-17 y.o.
  • Math & science classes
  • Basic life skills
  • Psychosocial support, support for the enrollment and regular attendance in the Formal Education, cognitive and socio-emotional development and school readiness
  • Assistance for enrollments and access to formal education
  • Promotion of adult/ parents’ integration: through sensitization and social integration activities
  • Promotion of digital learning and the blended learning approach: through the use of tablets

The groups of teenagers and the Unaccompanied Children will be supported through activities designed for their specific learning needs and in particular in view of transitioning to adulthood.

Τρόπος Παραπομπής/Συμμετοχής

The sessions are held by scheduled appointments, prior communication (by phone / WHATSAPP / Email) is required.

Σύνδεσμος συμμετοχής
