“Back to the desks”: Experiential workshop for children 6 – 9 years old from KEM and We Need Books

Schools have started! How nice! How nice! But wait…

After the summer sloppiness, were you ready to get on the fall track?

The We Need Books Multilingual Library in collaboration with the intercultural actions of the Migrant Integration Center (KEM) of the City of Athens invites you to an experiential workshop for children aged 6 – 9 on the topic of returning to school.


When: Saturdays 30/9, 7/10 and 14/10 Time: 11:30 – 13:30

Where: Evoias 7, Kypseli


Let’s meet, play, express ourselves!

Using the art of theater and mindfulness practices as a vehicle, we will recognize our emotions and explore ways of managing them.


Planning, implementation: Tiga Katerina, Theatrologist, Manager of intercultural activities KEM of the City of Athens

Registrations to [email protected]



*The actions of the Migrant Integration Center are implemented with the co-financing of the European Social Fund – NSRF 2014-2020