New initiatives by the ACCMR network – Winter period 2020 -2021
Learn about new listings at www. accmr. gr and do not forget to consult the platform for services, activities and open calls from bodies active in the field of social care and integration of vulnerable groups and refugee/immigrant population.
The following list will be updated regularly with the current entries during the period of December – February.
- Sabar Bar: songwriting workshops
The artistic action SaBar Bar, in the framework of the co-Athens and the European pilot program of the Municipality of Athens CuringtheLimbo, aims to create songs and theater on the street, based on oral testimonies from the region of Exarcheia. For the event on March 1, 2021 more information can be found here.
- Info Session by GUnet
Online Multiplier Events for the ERASMUS+ projects WBS & AAA.
Date: 16th of February 2021,15:00 – 18:00
Link: connect here
Program: see the program here
Website: |
Reading DiverCity: We record children’s stories from Victoria and Exarchia
The task of Reading Diversity is to create a documentary through experiential stories of children – refugees, but also Greeks living in the neighborhood of Victoria Square and Exarcheia. The documentary will record the daily life of the children, as well as the difficulties but also the possibilities of their integration and connection living in the same neighborhood. You will soon meet us in Victoria Square with the camera in hand and the microphone recording!
The action is part of the co-Athens implemented by the European pilot program of the Municipality of Athens #CuringtheLimbo through the Development and Tourism Promotion Company of the Municipality of Athens (EATA).
MEDforU service, which helps refugees and migrants get free access to medicines they need, is being upgraded.
“MEDforU” ( is a free application for computers and mobile phones, in which the user searches for the medicines he needs, sees which social pharmacies are available and receives them. The application is available in English, Arabic, French, Greek and Farsi. Here is a short tutorial video in English.
Potentials & Limitations of Subnational Responses to the Migrant Question
Inter Alia invites you to an international conference on March 4th and 5th to bring together mayors and local representatives responsible for European immigration policy, representatives of international city networks, scholars, academics, and civil society representatives aiming at jointly formulating requests for a new framework for managing the refugee/immigration issue in a sustainable and humane way.
Learn more & Sign up:
- Athens Niroo Community
The goal of the Athens Niroo Community is for Greeks and refugees to actively participate in the production of clean energy, through a series of activities such as experiential workshops for making improvised photovoltaic panels, participatory design workshops, and other activities to familiarize citizens – with the social and technical dimensions of Renewable Energy Sources.
The action will take place from 31 January 2021 to 30 June 2021 and is part of the co-Athens implemented by the European pilot program of the Municipality of Athens #CuringtheLimbo through the Development and Tourism Promotion Company of the Municipality of Athens (EATA). The program is co-financed by the ERDF under the UIA program.
- Foodies: We cook together
Zaatar continues its online cooking activities, with the digital meetings of Foodies within the framework of co-Athens#CuringtheLimbo. On Saturday 6th of February, they cook Nigerian Cuisine. The activity is part of the co-Athens implemented by the European pilot program of the Municipality of Athens #CuringtheLimbo through the Development and Tourism Promotion Company of the Municipality of Athens (EATA). The program is co-financed by the ERDF under the UIA program.
- Basic Computer Skills, a free vocational training program
Odyssea runs seminars on what one needs to know to be able to use a computer at a basic level. Participants will learn how to use a computer for personal and business purposes. The curriculum includes, among other things, file management, Internet browsing, and Microsoft Office training. Register here until February 28, 2021.
- E-Commerce, a free vocational training program
Odyssea organizes a series of seminars for e-shop management. Inventory monitoring, product and service reporting, content creation, and social media connectivity are just some of the responsibilities that will be analyzed during the program. Register here until February 28, 2021.
- ActionAid online workshops for adolescents 15-18 years old
A cycle of workshops on gender-based violence and bullying among adolescents. The workshops aim to contribute to the prevention and combating of bullying and gender-based violence among adolescents both in the physical and online space and to provide information and awareness of the recognition, causes, consequences, and management of incidents of gender-based violence. Dates: Wednesday 03.02.2021, Wednesday 10.02.2021 and Wednesday 17.02.2021 15:00-17:00. Statements of Participation in the form.
- Baytna Hub: creative activities
Free creative activities program from Athens Comics Library for refugee children 0-6 years old and their escorts. According to the public safety guidelines, please contact them to book a seat as soon as possible by emailing [email protected] or call 697992693 (Hub Leader – Basel).
- Futbolnet4Employability
The Earth Organization in collaboration with the Barca Foundation and with the financial support of the UEFA Foundation for Children is proceeding with the pilot implementation of the Futbolnet4Employability program. The program is for unaccompanied minors of 15-18 years old and aims to the creation of soft skills by participating in athletics. More information here.
- Sabar Bar: Welcome to our cart!
” SabarBar”: a collaboration of Co-Athens/Curing the Limbo of the Municipality of Athens with Fabrica Athens, Vasia Balkaniotis, Muhammad Tayeb , Momina Algaga, and Yaman Junaid, will grind out the Exarchia this year until 31st of May, looking for local stories which he will co-narrate, turning them into multinational songs about the region! More information here.
- Sports for Athens
Organization Earth, the Diogenes NGO and the Syrian Greek Youth Forum are taking part in activities within the framework of co-Athens that will take place until the 31st of May and will move in three axes: organizing sports activities and games open to all, guiding tours aimed at highlighting the social dimension of sport and the use of sport as a tool for positive social change as well as organizing events to inform the public about the objectives and results of the program while organizing workshops on intercultural and environmental education. More information here.
Lanching event on Friday 5th of March 16:00-17:00, at Cisco Webex.
- Planet G (reece) from the Exile Room
Do you think that cinema is exclusively a Hollywood affair? Do you think that documentaries are just boring TV shows?
Planet G (reece), the new educational program of the Exile Room for teenagers, undertakes to change your mind, proving that the documentary is the ideal way to tell your own story with the means at your disposal, while at the same time it will introduce you to some fascinating professions worth getting to know better!
- From theory to practice: volunteering in the refugee camp
ActionAid conducted an online discussion with stories of people living and conversing in their daily lives with the refugee treatment and its consequences. Listen to the personal paths of your fellow citizens. From simple information to address the refugee problem, to practice.
Lydia Politi – Childcare volunteer.
Eleni Zoi – Teacher of the Greek language in the Pomegranate project.
Marilena Tsadima – Volunteer at the ActionAid Center in Athens.
- Emergency mapping services due to COVID-19
Athens Coordination Centre on Migrant and Refugee Issues (ACCMR) in response to the needs created by the new traffic restriction measures, has again implemented the emergency mapping of services and initiatives aimed at properly informing those who work together with refugees and migrants, and beneficiaries who can read in Greek and English (available mapping languages).
- Research ‘Black Lives Matter: everyday politics, cultural practices and popular culture amongst black women and teenage girls in Athens’
The Department of Communication and Media (EKPA) implements a research on ‘Black Lives Matter: everyday politics, cultural practices and popular culture among Black women and teenage girls in Athens, with the aim of better understanding the everyday life and culture of African women, aged13-17 and 30-45, living in Athens.
- Bahar’s book is also available in English!
The book “Many Recipes, One City, created on the initiative of ACCMR and supported by ActionAid Hellas through the Faces of Migration program, is now also available in English!
- “Racism has no place here” campaign
The campaign was created as part of the project “REVERT: REsilience without Violetce, Resistance without haTe inPublic Transport “ which aims to improve the management of xenophobic and racist behaviors and create conditions for a harmonious and welcoming environment for everyone on public transport. The campaign is implemented by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Department of Communication and Media, OASA, AMKE Co-Iron, NGOs Almasar, and the consulting firm CMP Proptiki. Learn more & how you can contribute here.
- Active citizens fund: New civil society grant invitations in Greece, amounting to€1.5 million
The Bodosakis Foundation and SolidarityNow, in the capacity of Grant Manager of the Active Citizens Fund for Greece, which has already allocated over €7 million to support Civil Society, announces 2 new calls for expressions of interest. More information here.
- Student Competition for the 75th Year of the UN – “We are forming today the tomorrow we imagine”
On the occasion of the 75th year since the founding of the United Nations, which was completed on 24 October 2020, the 24th Pan-Hellenic Student Competition entitled: “75 years of the United Nations – We are forming today the tomorrow we imagine”.
The Competition is organized by the UNHCR in Greece in cooperation with THE UNRIC – United Nations Regional Information Centre (Office for Greece and Cyprus), the UNICEF Office in Greece, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Hellenic Council for Refugees, the Panhellenic Association of Educational Cultural Affairs, the Panhellenic Association of Philologists and the Panhellenic Network for Theatre in Education (Competition Organizing Committee) in the context of their activities aimed at informing and raising awareness among young people on social and human rights issues.
The Competition will be held electronically from 27 November 2020 to 15 February 2021, with a closing date of 15 February 2021.
For more information on the terms of participation in the competition see here.