Make the #vaccinationdone campaign stronger!

RefugeeInfo created posters to promote the #vaccinationdone campaign. Actors are encouraged to print the posters and place them in sites, centers or any other location that will increase visibility. The Posters can be found in EN-AR-FA-UR-FR-LINGALA (PDF + PNG format).

Attached Posters in EN-AR-FA-UR-FR-LINGALA (PDF and PNG format)

Info about the campaign: 

  • Goal: promote more the message on vaccination and increase the engagement. The purpose is people tell their own story through their photos and videos on social networks and motivate others to be vaccinated.
  • Call to Action: Ask from people to take the vaccine (following their registration), take a pic -selfie (after the vaccination) with a thumb-up sign.
  • Share their picture on social media, adding the hashtag #vaccinationdone
  • will re-share their post on Facebook page.
  • The hashtag will be #vaccinationdone in English.
  • Duration: 1st August – end of Sep (this might need to be adjusted)

Below you can find the Refugee.Info hashtag campaign FB links per language.




