Dental Mission of SAMS Hellas

Dental Mission of SAMS Hellas.

The mission will take place from Monday March 13th to Friday March 17th 2023, at the Seeds of Humanity clinic (167 Konstantinoupoleos, Athens, 10441), with which SAMS Hellas has been cooperating seamlessly with the specialties of Paediatrics and Gynecology since 2019. The dental mission will be carried out by a 10-member team of Professional General Dentists, Pediatric Dentists and Dental Assistants with health services and educational trainings from the Organization.

Please note that SAMS Hellas accepts population from any country, including Greece, of every age, whether they have insurance capacity (AMKA/PAAYPA) or not.

Kindly share the information with the Communities residing in Shelters for Unaccompanied Minors and Accommodation Facilities – formal or informal housing – of the wider population of the Attica Urban Area and beyond, in which similar needs have been identified.

For the appointment process, please use the above form, filling out the fields by copy-pasting it to your email and send your request to [email protected] with the email title: SAMS Dental Mission 032023: (actor)@(Site) – Request Number (serial number of requests per Actor).

– Date of request form submission (DD/MM/YYYY)

– Official name of Entity/Actor requesting

– Surname/Name of focal point

– Surname/Name of beneficiary

– Age of beneficiary

– Insurance Data (No AMKA/PAAYPA)

– Reason of visit (check-up, dental filling etc

– Date of appointment preference (DD/MM/YYYY)

– Speeking Language

– Hours of preference (SLOTS 10.00-12.00, 12.00-14.00, 14.00-16.00)- Phone number of Entity’s/Actor’s focal point