EEA Grants: Open call for bilateral initiatives

The Fund Operator of the “Asylum and Migration” (Addressing urgent needs for the reception and screening of asylum seekers and for the accommodation of vulnerable groups) Programme in Greece, SOL Crowe and HumanRights360, announces the open call for proposals, which aim at strengthening the relations between legal entities (including NGOs) in Greece and in the Donor States (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein).

The promotion of collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and good practices are central objectives of the EEA Grants. To support these initiatives, the Bilateral Relations Fund has been set up, which is 100% financed by EEA Grants. For the financing period 2014-2021 (with a project implementation period until 2024), the total amount of funding for bilateral relations, in the context of the “Asylum and Migration” Programme, amounts to 125,000 euros, of which 110,000 euros will be given to organizations and legal entities, and €15,000 to the Fund Operator for bilateral initiatives, in cooperation with the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). The amount of 125,000 euros comes as additional funding to the Programme which has already received 16.5 million euros and is on its way to completion (2024).


Beneficiaries of the invitation (project promoters and partners) are bodies with legal status and headquarters in Greece and in the Donor States (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein). Each proposal should include at least one partner from the Donor States in order the objectives of the bilateral cooperation to be achieved.

Budget and eligibility

The Programme can cover up to 100% of the selected costs, with a maximum budget of 15,000 euros per initiative. Each organization (either the project promoter or the partner) can be funded up to twice. Eligible initiatives for funding may include actions aimed at networking, change and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practices, short-term exchanges of experts, participation in conferences, visits of project promoters and their partners with the aim of a joint action etc. Initiatives related to Ukrainian refugees are also eligible.


The Fund Operator, SOL Crowe in collaboration with HumanRights360, is responsible for publishing the call and checking the supporting documents. The Norwegian Directorate for Immigration, which is the Bilateral Programme partner, is responsible for the evaluation and selection of applicants, in cooperation with the Fund Operator.

The deadline for the proposals is March, 9th, 2023.

More information about the eligibility criteria and the procedure of evaluation and selection is available on Programme’s website.