V-Company is an innovative entrepreneurship training program. It is addressed to adult students of the Vocational Schools (EPAS) and the Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) of DYPA. The program is implemented with the funding of the Latsis Charitable Foundation and in collaboration with DYPA.
V-Company is based on the “Virtual Business” program (approved by the Ministry of Education) and the international “Company Program” implemented in 117 countries, and was established by Junior Achievement Worldwide, the largest entrepreneurship education organization worldwide. The program is developed around a group experiential activity, in which participants create the draft of a “virtual business” in order to develop basic entrepreneurial knowledge, as well as skills and attitudes. In the training material of the program you will find supportive experiential activities that you can implement with your team, as well as all the necessary guidance for the implementation of the program.
The best business ideas are selected by a JA Greece Jury, whose members are prominent entrepreneurs and executives of organizations and businesses, and are awarded in a final competition.
In particular, within the framework of the program, the following learning objectives are pursued:
Find out about the details of the Program here.
By registering the teacher with V-Company, access is given to educational material on the program platform that can be used to implement the program. Specifically, this material is structured in sections, each of which contains:
Step-by-step and with the help of the Teacher’s guide and the material, the teacher organizes his team and implements the stages of the program. The final stage is the presentation of the business idea in a standard deliverable.
The program aims to develop a set of competencies and skills and can be combined with or complement a wide range of teaching subjects and objectives. Indicatively, it can be connected to:
Information Technology and New Technologies: Participants during the program are invited to use digital tools:
Environment-Sustainable Development: Participants in the program freely choose the thematic orientation and the “problem” they are trying to solve with their business idea. In this context, it concerns:
The role of the teacher and volunteer-mentor:
The implementation of the program does not require specialized knowledge from the teacher, while it can be implemented by teachers of all specialties. The Trainer’s Guide provides all the methodological framework to support the program activities. At the same time, the implementing body JA Greece provides the possibility of online seminars to support interested teachers. Also, for the business planning part, there will be support from volunteer-mentors (business executives) through 1-2 remote sessions with the group, always in the presence of the teacher. The volunteer-mentors will be assigned to the groups by the JA Greece organization, to the extent that this is possible, or they will be found by the responsible teachers from organizations and businesses of the local community.