As part of the operation of the Social Center of Caritas Hellas in Neos Kosmos, a set of services and activities are offered.
In order to support the served population for the integration in the labor market, vocational training seminars are held within the Social Spot of Caritas Hellas in Neos Kosmos, in collaboration with competent educational institutions. This is an education that emphasizes the skills and knowledge required for a specific job, in specialized areas (eg tourism, catering, computer technician, etc.). Through such training, the participants are essentially given the opportunity to develop the relevant know-how. Caritas Hellas collaborates with different bodies, mainly companies and social bodies (Koi.S.PE, KoinSep), in the framework of training seminars lasting certain months, in various fields of work.
Send your request by e-mail to [email protected] to book your appointment (physical presence or online) and the staff of the Social Center will try to answer your questions immediately.