My Career

General Information

Population Groups
Refugee / immigrant population
  • Children
Professionals / Volunteers
Days / Hours of service
  • Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Supported languages


The “My Career” Professional Orientation program, implemented by the Junior Achievement Organization, is aimed at public school students* aged 15-18 (3rd Middle & High School). Participation in the program is declared either by group registration by the teacher or individually by each student.

General description

The Career Orientation Program “JA My Career” is an online educational program, which utilizes new technologies and aims to provide career guidance information and guidance regarding careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as well as other directions.

It is based on 4 pillars: self-awareness, information about studies & professions, labor market needs and making the right decisions.

  1. self knowledge
  2. information on studies & professions
  3. labor market needs
  4. making the right decisions

Students participating in the program relate their interests, their studies at school, and the opportunities offered in high-demand careers. In addition, a Vocational Interests Test is administered and students are then given the opportunity to discuss the results of the Test with Career Counselors. The program is available in schools in the Greek region so that students in hard-to-reach schools have the opportunity to discover their inclinations.

The program is offered free of charge courtesy of NN.

*The program is mainly implemented in public schools in the Greek region. For applications from students from private schools, the application is processed and the student is informed of its progress

Find out about the details of the Program here.

Participation/referral information

The Program accepts both individual and group registrations.

The prerequisites for participation in the program are that the student has:
a. E-mail
b. Electronic device (e.g. laptop, desktop, mobile, tablet)
c. Internet access
d. Good mood