Virtual Company

General Information

Population Groups
Refugee / immigrant population
  • Children
Professionals / Volunteers
Days / Hours of service
  • Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Supported languages


The Virtual Business is an educational program based on the principle of “learning by doing” and is aimed at students aged 15-18 years (Graduate School to Grade 3 High School). It is implemented free of charge by Junior Achievement Greece in public and private schools from all over Greece and all types of Secondary Education (General Schools, Special Education, Experimental). It is based on the international “Company Program” implemented in 117 countries, and was established by Junior Achievement Worldwide, the largest educational organization in entrepreneurship worldwide.

General description

The Virtual Business is developed based on a group experiential activity, where the students create a “virtual” (i.e. not legally established) business, understanding all the stages of its creation, operation and liquidation. They share and assume roles to design and produce products or services that respond to identified social needs, are environmentally friendly and are distinguished by innovative features. The aim is to cultivate and strengthen the abilities, skills and attitudes of the students, so that they realize their social responsibility as future professionals with respect for the common good and the environment. Consequently, responsibility-taking, planning and planning skills, needs analysis, organization, teamwork, communication, time management, decision-making, problem-solving, the value of commitment to quality and social and environmental responsibility are cultivated. effect. In addition, schools have the possibility to set up inter-school student cooperatives, exchanging practices from different social environments.

Participation/referral information

The program is implemented by at least one responsible teacher, regardless of specialty, who can also collaborate with other colleagues. His primary role concerns the organization of the student group, the communication and cooperation with JA Greece and the volunteer who supports the group (see below), the observance of rules and time limits, the facilitation and communication with all those involved in the running the virtual business.

The program is implemented in a flexible way depending on the conditions and accessibility of the schools. Under normal circumstances, it is implemented through life, at times and days set by the teachers according to the school program, in which case the volunteer-mentor’s visits to the school are also planned.