Dramatized story telling

General Information

Population Groups
Refugee / immigrant population
  • General population
  • Children
Days / Hours of service
  • Upon consultation with the beneficiary
Supported languages


The ANASA Storytelling Team was created in 2014 by the animator, musician and actor Michalis Afolanios and the educator, animator Chryssa Logothetis. They made their first appearance in October 2014 at the Street Festival, which took place in Kaligga Square, presenting the play “The Wisdom of the Earth”. Its goal is to open an intercultural dialogue between peoples through storytelling, and by combining other techniques such as pantomime, theatrical clown and puppet animation.

The Wisdom of the Earth.

“And the clay pitcher broke into a thousand pieces, scattering all wisdom throughout the world. And in this way it is said that the Earth acquired its wisdom… And all, but we all have a little of it… ”

Have you ever wondered why an eclipse occurs? Is it possible for a small spider to conquer the wisdom of the whole world? How could a child become a king with only one needle?

Three tales that start with the music and the movement of our body travel to Africa, where animals, people and elements of nature share their stories.

Contributors: the actor – animator – musician Michalis Afolanios (directing, narration, animation of a fairy tale, music), and the animator of theatrical play – teacher Chryssa Logothetis (narration, animation of a fairy tale, music).

Duration: 1 hour

Participation/referral information

The Anasa Cultural Center is maintained through its members’ annual subscriptions and tuition fees for weekly classes, seminars, events and workshops. At the same time, it is looking for financing opportunities to provide free actions to young and old, inside and outside Attica. If any organization or active citizen wants to join our actions in any other way, please contact us, as we do everything we can so that no one is deprived of access to knowledge and personal development.

See relevant video