WELCOME 2023 Career Days in Athens: Invitation to candidates

27 & 28 March 2023, 11:00 – 17:00

Serafio City of Athens – https://bit.ly/3YxbDjm

Are  you looking for employment or supporting people in their integration into the labour market?

The Committee for Development of Skills and Empowerment through Work –Livelihoods of the Athens Coordination Center for Migrant and Refugee issues (ACCMR) with the support of the International Organization for Migration under the HELIOS program and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, will organise for the 3rd consecutive year the WELCOME 2023 Career Days. The event will be held  on the 27th and 28th of March 2023, at Serafio City of Athens (Echelidon 19 & Pireos 144) from 11:00-17:00.

The Career Days focus on linking companies with job seekers, regardless of nationality, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation etc. Participants will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the labour market by connecting with company’s representatives from different economic sectors. Also, companies will have the opportunity to conduct interviews and gather CVs from candidates.

WELCOME 2023 Career Days include:

  • Interviews with company’s representatives.
  • Parallel activities and seminars focusing on the labour market integration and women’s empowerment.
  • A child-friendly space with recreational activities for children will be available throughout the event.

The interviews will be conducted in Greek and/or English. For the candidates’ convenience, interpretation in Arabic, Farsi, French, and Ukrainian will be provided during the event.

It is recommended (but not compulsory) to have with you printed copies of your CV to share with companies that will interview you.


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About the organisation: 

Τhe action WELCOME 2023 that will take place in Athens action is an initiative of the Committee for Development of Skills and Empowerment through Work -Livelihoods of the Coordination Center for Migrant and Refugee issues (ACCMR). The event is implemented with the support of the International Organization for Migration under the HELIOS program and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Participating organisations: IOM, Migrant Integration Center of the City of Athens (KEM), UNHCR, ActionAid, Caritas Hellas, CRS, International Rescue Committee (IRC), ITHACA, METAdrasi, Nostos, Solidarity Now.


Athens Coordination Center for Migrant & Refugee issues (ACCMR) is the first coordination hub at local level in Greece, bringing the Municipality of Athens closer to civil society, international organisations and the central administration with the aim of developing innovative tools and initiatives to address challenges related to social inclusion and cohesion. Since April 2020, the operation of the ACCMR is supported by the International Organization for Migration and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees on the basis of a trilateral cooperation with the Municipality of Athens.

About Serafio City of Athens

Serafio of City of Αthens is a contemporary Sports, Culture & Innovation Center. Sports facilities, cultural activities and open workshops, along with initiatives of social and technological innovation, are housed or hosted in a contemporary complex, with a common purpose: to offer new possibilities, education and entertainment, and enhance the life of the residents and visitors of Athens.