‘WELCOME 2023’ Career Days in Athens: For the 3rd consecutive year, with the participation of 42 companies and emphasis on women’s empowerment
The ‘WELCOME 2023’ Career Days will be held for the third consecutive year, on 27 & 28 March 2023 at Serafio of City of Athens, aiming to connect prospective candidates with companies which are active in dynamic sectors of the economy and are looking for employees.
The ‘WELCOME 2023’ event is organized on the initiative of the Committee for Development of Skills and Empowerment through Work – Livelihoods of ACCMR, the Athens Coordination Centre for Migrant and Refugee issues. It is implemented with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in the framework of HELIOS integration project, and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. The partner organizations of the event are: IOM, Social and Cultural Support Society of Repatriated Expatriates “Nostos”, Migrant Integration Centre of the Municipality of Athens (KEM), METAdrasi, UNHCR, ActionAid, Caritas Hellas, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), International Rescue Committee (IRC), ITHACA, and Solidarity Now.
The main objective of the two-day event is to match employees, regardless of their nationality, religion, age, gender, or sexual orientation, with available jobs. More than 40 companies from different sectors will conduct recruitment interviews, receiving and reviewing CVs. During special sessions businesses will be informed by IOM about the labour rights of third country nationals and the applicable legal framework, while METAdrasi will focus on the promotion of inclusion in the workplace. UNHCR and CRS will present their new online job-matching platform Adama, which connects refugees looking for a job with employers.
Emphasis on women’s equal access to the labour market
This year’s event, focusing on women’s empowerment, will host innovative workshops for women to be delivered by My Ikigai company, Women on Top and IRC organizations, as well as fashion editor Kelly Novak. The companies Domes Resorts & Reserves, World of Hyatt Inclusive Collection and Paramana will present good practices for the inclusion of women in the workplace to other actors. METAdrasi will be offering recreational activities for children, so that parents can take part in the interviews and the parallel activities of the event, while a UNHCR team will be providing information on labour and legal rights.
The interviews will be conducted in Greek and English. For the convenience of participants, interpretation will be available throughout the event in Arabic, French, Ukrainian, and Farsi.
The event will be hosted at Serafio of City of Athens (https://bit.ly/3YxbDjm/, 19, Echelidon str. & 144, Piraeus Ave.) on 27 and 28 March 2023 from 09:00 to 17:00. Important note: On both days, from 9:00 to 11:00 am, the agenda includes special sessions for businesses in Greek without available interpretation.
Entrance is free of charge.
For more information about the event, please contact us: Marina Tomara, ACCMR, [email protected].
Follow the link to see the event agenda and the participating companies: https://www.accmr.gr/en/news/welcome-2023-career-days/
The Athens Coordination Centre for Migrant & Refugee issues (ACCMR) is the first municipality – led coordination hub in Greece, facilitating cooperation between the City of Athens and civil society, international organizations and central government and enabling effective integration policies. Since April 2020, the International Organization for Migration and UNHCR have been jointly supporting ACCMR on the basis of a trilateral cooperation with the City of Athens.
About HELIOS project
The HELIOS Integration Project, implemented throughout Greece by the International Organization for Migration and funded by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, aims to promote and support the integration of beneficiaries of International Protection and beneficiaries of Temporary Protection into the Greek society. The initiatives and pillars of the project focus on integration courses, supporting the housing and employment of the beneficiaries, monitoring their integration process, and raising awareness amongst host communities.
UNHCR is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We are present in Greece since 1952. UNHCR works with the Greek authorities, cities and municipalities, non-governmental and other organizations, volunteer networks, and communities to ensure the protection and integration of refugees and asylum-seekers in the country. We also focus on raising awareness and promote the development of sustainable solutions and the adoption of policies, which help refugees to thrive in their new home.
About Serafio of City of Athens
Serafio of City of Αthens is a contemporary Sports, Culture, & Innovation Centre. Sports facilities, cultural activities, and open workshops, along with initiatives of social and technological innovation, are housed or hosted in a contemporary complex, with a common purpose: to offer new possibilities, education, and entertainment, and enhance the life of the residents and visitors of Athens.