UnionMigrantNet and Cities Together for Integration: Good Practices on Third Country Nationals’ integration in Greece

The Athens Coordination Center for Migrant & Refugee issues – ACCMR, the Cities Network for Integration – CNI together with the Migrant Integration Center (KEM) of the City of Athens, are included in the Good Practice Guide for the Integration of on Third Country Nationals’ integration in Greece, which was developed in the framework of the European project “UnionMigrantNet and Cities Together for Integration”* – a project implemented by the Migrant Point EKA -the national TU contact point of the UnionMigrantNet in Greece-, the City of Athens and Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity. 

The idea for this Digital Guide of Good practices on Third Country Nationals’ Integration in the Greek labour market, was to make visible the concrete work of local stakeholders in the field and to try to prevent any further exploitation of TCNs. Obviously, a short guide cannot include all the relevant bodies and organisations, but it focuses on the alliances created with the active mediating role of the Greek Trade Unions between public bodies and the Civil Society for an equal labour market integration. Along with the Guide, those interested could also consult the digital info newsletters created within the project in relation to the national pilot actions of partners in Greece and abroad, as well as to the local best practices and activities on integration in general.

The Guide is available in two versions: in Greek and English. It is simple and can be used not only by TCNs and stakeholders based in Greece, but also, in case of labour mobility, throughout EU. For that reason, it provides access to other TU national points abroad through the UnionMigrantNet Platform.

The present Guide is the outcome of a constant collaboration between the Migrant Point EKA (Athens Labour Unions Organisation – EKA) and the Employability department of Generation 2.0 RED on advocacy, individual and group counselling of migrants and refugees.

* The “UnionMigrantNet and Cities Together for Integration” project aims at exchanging and transferring knowledge, experiences and best practices on integration between nine UnionMigrantNet (UMN) members and eight local authorities from five EU countries, namely Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Slovenia.

Please find here the Good Practice Guide in English.