The YouCreate methodology is a participative action research initiative that aims to empower young people 14 to 25 years old, increase their well-being, resilience, and sense of belonging and help them develop leadership skills, so as to actively support their communities.
Terre des hommes Hellas continues this year the program «YouCreate» for teenagers and young people residing in Open Accommodation Sites in mainland Greece, giving them the opportunity to participate in creative community initiatives implemented by them for their peers.
Terre des Hommes Hellas is inviting you to this webinar on October 6, 2021 at 11.00 am (1 hour and 15 minutes) aiming at:
The webinar is addressed to actors working with teenagers and young adults in the refugee/migration context and/or with the general population, within the psychosocial context and/or will be interested to get familiar with a participative action research methodology for youth empowerment.
Language of delivery: English
For your registration, please follow the link below:
For more info contact: [email protected]
Thank you!
Terre des hommes Hellas